Chapter 31: The qualities required by the cellarer (paragraphs 2-3)
Among the most important qualities the cellarer needs to cultivate is humility and the ability to give a pleasant answer even when a request must be refused.
(From paragraph 2 of Chapter 31 of Saint Benedict's Rule.)
(From paragraph 2 of Chapter 31 of Saint Benedict's Rule.)
Among the fruits of the Spirit -- which are the fruits of meditation -- perhaps one that I most welcome into my life is kindness. St. Benedict is right to place humility in the first position, because I know from my own experience that even kindness can become infected by the ego, and become a sort of smoothed-over resentment. But in its pure form, kindness has every reason to become my "go-to" response when I'm in a situation that demands my response, and I don't know what else to do.
"So that no one may be disquieted or distressed in the House of God" is all about peace. To me the House of God is the world, my small world inside of me,and around me. "Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me", the song says. Benedict tells me how to bring peace--to be like God the Father showing love for all without distinction. The peculiarities of that love demonstration are reflected in my life and in everyone else's. I cannot duplicate or envy another's. As I meditate opening my small world to the Son, it is in the Father's arms that I find peace for the Son brings me there to Him. And it is with that embrace that I move out into the world, His House.