Chapter 71: Mutual obedience in the monastery
Obedience is of such value that it should be shown not only to the superior but all members of the community should be obedient to each other in the sure knowledge that this way of obedience is the one that will take them straight to God.
(From para. 1 of Ch. 71 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry OSB, 1997.)
It seems to me that mutual obedience is based on authentic self-knowledge and respect for "that of God" in everyone. This is a perception much deeper than the "good guy/bad guy" mentality prevalent in our culture. True, deep perception of my own human nature -- a fruit of meditation -- leads me towards compassion for others, and unity in the Spirit.
I cannot force mutual obedience on anyone. My part is to listen to the Spirit in you and in me and to recognize the Spirit's presence as love and truth. I can then respond to love, to truth not judging or condemning thereby negating rather than affirming the Spirit's presence. What it boils down to for me is getting the selfish and predominant ego out of the way.