Sunday, January 6, 2013

Prologue to the Rule (paragraph 7)

We must, therefore, prepare our hearts and bodies to serve him under the guidance of holy obedience. Conscious in this undertaking of our own weakness let us ask the Lord to give us through his grace the help we need.
(From para. 7 of Prologue to the Rule of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry OSB,1997.)

The first step in seeking God is to be conscious of my own weakness. Weakness is a place of silence, stillness, and simplicity, where Jesus enters in.

1 comment:

  1. Reflecting on this paragraph, help to understand it in relationship to myself came from a sentence in a sermon by St. Leo the Great in today's readings. "The obedience of the star calls (me) to imitate its humble service: to be (a servant), as best (I can) of the grace that invites (all) to find Christ."
