Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Chapter 35:  Weekly servers in the kitchen and at table (paragraphs 3-4)

One hour before the time of a meal those serving in the kitchen and at table should each receive a drink and some bread in addition to their regular portion. This will help them to serve the community at mealtime without stress and without murmuring about their lot. (From para. 3 of Ch. 35 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)

What are some practical ways to relieve stress in my life, so that I can be fully present in my service? How can I check my own cynical, judgmental, complaining behavior, however subtle, that harms the spirit of the community I serve?

1 comment:

  1. "St. Benedict would have us . . . use the most practical ways to bring the high spiritual ideals that we seek to live into practice in our lives . . . where we work,in our families or with our relations, in all our relationships." (John Main, "Community of Love", p83.) And how much my huge ego still prefers to stay in my head with my high spiritual ideals and daily rebels at getting down to wash my human sisters' and brothers' smelly feet.
