Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Chapter 2: Gifts needed by an abbot or abbess (paragraphs 8-9)

It is above all important that monastic superiors should not underrate or think lightly of the salvation of the souls committed to them by giving too much attention to transient affairs of this world which have no lasting value. (From para. 8 of Ch. 2 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)

What is "transient" is often so because of the corrupted quality of attention I give it. If my ego is trying to control circumstances, then those circumstances may lose their salvific value. But anything I treat with selfless attention and service towards others is blessed with eternal love.


  1. “Above all let her not neglect or undervalue the welfare of the souls committed to her, in a greater concern for fleeting, earthly, perishable things …” If mere speaking of not well-thought of words could negatively affect the people I love and meet, what more are my unkind actions. So I pray for the grace of discernment to just say words and do acts that will be good to the people around me …

  2. “Our transformation is not less than theosis, divinization: ‘the harvest of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, fidelity, gentleness and self-control’(Gal 5:5).” (Laurence Freeman, “Jesus The Teacher Within” Ch 11). I am awestruck by the pricelessness of the gift of faith, faith in the Reality and exact nature of the transformation you have called me to, Abba. I am more awestruck that you call me to bring, in turn, this same gift to others, to be you, an Abba/“abbot” myself to whomever I meet today. You call me to join in the harvest.
