Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Chapter 10:  The night office in summertime

Apart from that the arrangements for winter are followed exactly so that never less than twelve psalms should be recited at Vigils, not counting the third and ninety fourth psalms. (From Ch. 10 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)

Very precise instructions here, that begin to establish a rhythm and thoroughness about reciting the Psalter. Benedict's insistence on building a daily and hourly pattern to prayer remind me of John Main's instructions about saying the mantra. "It is also helpful to meditate regularly in the same place and also at the same time every day because this helps a creative rhythm in our life to grow, with meditation as a kind of pulse-beat sounding the rhythm." (John Main, Word Into Silence)

1 comment:

  1. “Be careful, my child, in all you do, well-disciplined in all your behavior. Do to no one what you would not want done to you. Give your bread to the hungry, and your clothes to those who are naked. Whatever you own in plenty, devote a proportion to almsgiving.” (Tobit 4:14-16, from Lauds/Morning Prayer today). In Spanish the way you ask “how are you this morning” is, literally, “did you wake up well today?” This reading from this morning’s Divine Office helps me to “wake up well” today, spiritually as well as physically.
