Chapter 64: The election of an abbot or abbess (paragraphs 1-2)
The grounds on which a candidate is elected abbot or abbess must be the quality of their monastic life and the wisdom of their teaching, even if they are the last in order in the community. (From para. 1 of Ch. 64 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)
Jean Vanier says: "Some people have a true gift of discernment. They can seize what is essential in a complicated discussion or a confused story. They are quick to understand what is really needed and at the same time, if they are practical, they can suggest the first steps towards putting people on the road to healing. Some people in a community who do not have an important position may have this gift of light for us. We must learn to listen to them."
“Contrary to prevalent belief, commitment sets us free, seriousness brings us joy, and discipline leads to transcendence.” (John Main, Monastery Without Walls, Ch 12 Kindle loc 2288.) As counterintuitive as these axioms may be, help me to embrace them, today, Abba, as the ground gently embraces a seed, allowing it to die and find new life, thirty, fifty or a hundredfold.