Chapter 7: The value of humility (paragraph 9)
The third step of humility is to submit oneself out of love of God to whatever obedience under a superior may require of us; it is the example of the Lord himself that we follow in this way, as we know from St Paul's words: he was made obedient even unto death. (Para. 9 of Ch. 7 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)
For me, the third step of humility is to accept reality -- reality as I experience it from rooting my mantra in my heart, and discovering my heart rooted in the ground of my being.
Obedience, again: that word my solipsistic ego so hates with a vengeance. But, “He became obedient unto death”. More of the humility of God, that is, your humility, Abba! What a mysterious joy, Father, is this falling in love business you invite me to today!