Chapter 68: The response to orders that seem impossible
If the superior after listening to this submission still insists on the original command, then the junior must accept that it is the right thing and with loving confidence in the help of God obey. (From Ch. 68 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)
Christ blesses me with those who challenge my notions of my perceived limitations. In this way, what I might dismiss as mere weakness, becomes, through deep listening, my "growing edge".
What is/are the community or communities that teach me the meaning of friendship and community? How can I ever let God's grace (evidenced by a decision other than my own) fully work in my life unless I live in a community who can affirm,deepen and strengthen God's grace for me? The underlying assumption is that I accept that community as containing the love and wisdom of God for me.