Chapter 34: Fair provision for the needs of all
This principle from Scripture should be established in the monastery, namely that distribution was made to each in accordance with their needs. This, however, should not be taken to mean that favouritism of individuals can be tolerated; far from it. It should simply be a way of showing proper consideration for needs arising from individual weakness. (From Ch. 34 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)
This morning, this passage from the Rule reads to me as an enlightenment about what I've "received" in life, including opportunities, and missed opportunities, and the whole chain of events that has brought me to where I am today -- personal weaknesses included. Tempted sometimes by regret or the imaginative distraction of "rearranging" my earlier life, I come fairly quickly to realize that whatever I've received is exactly what I've needed to grow towards life in Christ. Meditation, I think, has reduced the time it takes me to go from self-absorbed melancholy to a vibrant awareness of the mystery of divine energy that beats in my heart.
This chapter inspires me to reflect on all the gifts in my life, from people and family to home and material goods. The end result is gratefulness. All I can say is ,"Thank you". Since I am only a pilgrim passing through this life, I need to be aware of my tendencies to attachment. I do not own nor possess. Meditation keeps my heart open to detachment and to the one most important Reality, Christ who did not cling to anyone or anything.