Saturday, January 7, 2017

Prologue to The Rule (paragraph 8)

If, however, you find in it anything which seems rather strict, but which is demanded reasonably for the correction of vice or the preservation of love, do not let that frighten you into fleeing from the way of salvation; it is a way which is bound to seem narrow to start with. (From para. 8 of Prologue to The Rule of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)

Meditation, it seems to me, is a very real school for the Lord's service. The practice of the mantra is strict, demanded reasonably for the correction of vice and the preservation of love, and is a way which is bound to seem narrow to start with. 


  1. "And so we are going to establish
    a school for the service of the Lord. "
    How wonderful, Abba, that you gift me with this thirst for you and your ways and now this "higher education" vehicle for learning them--a.monastery without walls. And all this enabling me to rejoice to become a child again, an eager student again, in this, the ninth decade of my life!

  2. Again the image of the "narrow way" appears as a tightrope. Discipline may be driven by pride and judgementalism (do it my way or else!) It may be driven by anger and loss of control. But the Rule shows us again that our "rope" is Love.

  3. "If Christmas celebrates the Incarnation, Epiphany calls forth the spiritual habits of recognition. Do (I) we have the spiritual vision to identify the humble and unexpected epiphanies occurring in (my) our daily (life) lives? (Am I) Are we as driven as the wise men to seek out the presence of God in the embrace of (my) our spouse or child.." (from the Reflection for January 8 in Give Us This Day) or in any person or created being that comes into my sphere? This School for God's service and the way of meditation disciples me into listening to and recognizing God's voice with my heart, my soul and my body.
