Friday, June 16, 2017

Chapter 13: Lauds on ordinary days (paragraph 1)

On ordinary days Lauds should be celebrated like this: the sixty sixth psalm should be said with its antiphon but rather slowly, as on Sunday, to make sure that all are present for the fiftieth psalm which is said with its antiphon. (From para. 1 of Ch. 13 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry OSB, 1997.)

Sr Joan instructs me that, "Monastic prayer is not an idle ordering of the psalms. It is a treatise on the monastic mindset that is to characterize those who claim to be giving their lives to God."  I realize that, as an Oblate,  as I "say some portion of the Office" daily -- whatever portion it is -- it connects me with an ancient and unbroken tradition of turning my whole being to God.

1 comment:

  1. “You must be made new in mind and spirit, and put on the new nature of God’s creating” (Eph 4:23,24).
    “O God, you will not spurn a humbled, contrite heart.”
    (Reference and Antiphon from today’s Lauds. cf. Universalis)
    How convenient, Abba, to have these riches of the entire Divine Office, your Word, literally at my fingertips, on my IPhone and IPad. Forgive my laziness and my addiction to trivialities that too often lead me to ignore you, ignore Love.
