Chapter 72: The good spirit which should inspire monastic life
It is easy to recognize the bitter spirit of wickedness which creates a barrier to God's grace and opens the way to the evil of hell. But equally there is a good spirit which frees us from evil ways and brings us closer to God and eternal life. (From Ch. 72 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)
I know that I have both the good and the evil in myself -- being both loving and alienating, creating both belonging and exclusion. But the practice of meditation has the power to wipe away even these labels, and open me to the power of the liberating Spirit.
Abba, you gently invite me to embrace your Good Spirit, with that good zeal that enables me to find you here, now, in the sacrament of the present moment. Once more, as your little one, receive me in your loving, fatherly, arms.