Monday, October 9, 2017

Chapter 7: The value of humility (paragraphs 19-20)

The humility of their hearts should be apparent by their bodily movements to all who see them. [...] Good habit and delight in virtue will carry us along. (From paras. 19-20 of Ch. 7 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)

Just as stillness is a sacrament of presence, so is movement an emanation of the quality of my heart. What happens when I stop hurrying, or pay attention to the ask in my hands, or take time to embrace another in greeting? What happens when I look upon "physical fitness" as a fitness to be ready to serve? Good habit, primarily the practice of meditation, integrates my heart and body, and carries me along.

1 comment:

  1. "Whether sitting, walking or standing, our heads must be bowed and our eyes cast down. Judging ourselves always guilty on account of our sins . . . ". "What?! What a downer" my gut wants to protest. "I have spent a lifetime working on improving my self-esteem." I live, as Joan Chittister reminds me, " . . . in a culture given to straight-shouldered, steady-eyed self-esteem?" Through Benedict today you remind me, however, Abba, that the secret doorway to you and to life and to genuine self-esteem requires that I stoop and turn and become little, a little one, your child.
