Chapter 8: The Divine Office at night
It seems reasonable that during wintertime, that is from the first of November until Easter all should arise at the eighth hour of the night. By that time, having rested until a little after midnight, they may rise with their food well digested. (From Ch. 8 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry OSB, 1997.)
St. Benedict assures me that it's possible and important to live a well-regulated life. In this way, all parts of myself, including the most mundane, integrate into a single motive -- seeking God. This helps me to realize that things that I've considered mundane, even tedious, can all be opportunities for prayer.
St. Benedict assures me that it's possible and important to live a well-regulated life. In this way, all parts of myself, including the most mundane, integrate into a single motive -- seeking God. This helps me to realize that things that I've considered mundane, even tedious, can all be opportunities for prayer.
"Having climbed all these steps of humility, therefore, the monk will presently come to that perfect love of God which casts out fear." I pray to reach that peak of humility that innay have the grace of love that vanishes all fears.