Chapter 53: The reception of guests (paragraphs 1-4)
The greatest care should be taken to give a warm reception to the poor and to pilgrims, because it is in them above all others that Christ is welcomed. (From para. 4 of Ch. 53 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)
"The poor and the pilgrims" represent for me a lack of pretense, a way of being that is more transparent. Freed of being encumbered, the heart can shine out.
"The poor and the pilgrims" represent for me a lack of pretense, a way of being that is more transparent. Freed of being encumbered, the heart can shine out.
My Creator, you greet me in all my poverty, by becoming poor yourself. Your Greeting, Your Word becomes flesh and remains flesh every day. I meet Him, I meet you up close and personal. I get to see you every day in everyone I encounter today, beginning with the poor one I see in the mirror every morning.