Sunday, January 20, 2019

Chapter 4: Guidelines for Christian and monastic good practice (paragraphs 3-5)

Don't let your actions be governed by anger nor nurse your anger against a future opportunity of indulging it. (From para.3 of Ch. 4 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)

"Nursing" anger: even the phrase itself betrays a self-deception. "Nursing" anger is steeping myself in the delusions of the ego -- living in the past (what I think happened or should have happened) or the future (how I want things to turn out, or what I'll say when I get the chance). What I'm called to nurse, to nurture, is a constant awareness of existing only in the present moment, in the Presence.

1 comment:

  1. “47. To keep death before one’s eyes daily.” This reminds me of the advice Carlos Castaneda received from his Yaqui Indian guru: “It is always good to keep death as a close adviser.” This quote caught my attention reading a national endurance athlete magazine. A good reminder, Abba, that life’s not a sprint but a marathon that we complete together one step, one day at a time.
