Monday, February 25, 2019

Chapter 20: The ideal of true reverence in prayer

When we come, then, with our requests in prayer before the Lord, who is God of all creation, is it not all the more important that we should approach him in a spirit of real humility and a devotion that is open to him alone and free from distracting thoughts? (From Ch. 20 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry OSB, 1997.)

I resonate with Benedict's prescription for true reverence in prayer, as a description of meditation. A spirit of real humility -- poverty of spirit.  A devotion that is open to him alone -- realizing the presence of the indwelling God. Free from distracting thoughts -- the practice of the mantra.

1 comment:

  1. “...we should approach him in a spirit of real humility and a devotion that is open to him alone and free from distracting thoughts?” Heal my timid heart, Abba. Help me walk through today with humble boldness and fearless openness to you alone as we meet each of today’s challenges together.
