Chapter 47: Signalling the times for the work of God
The superior is personally responsible for making sure that the time for the work of God, both at night at during the daytime, is clearly made known to all. (From para. 1 of Ch. 47 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)
This chapter speaks to me about the discipline of twice-daily practice, a regular "letting go" of "my time" for God's time, in a way that helps me to realize that all time is God's time.
Paraphrasing Elizabeth Barrett Browning in “Aurora Leigh”, Time’s crammed with heaven and every common moment afire with You, Abba, but only those who see take off their shoes. Meditation and the mantra help me to see every common moment today as crammed with you and wherever my feet bring me today as Holy Ground.