Chapter 21: The deans of the monastery
If any of the deans are affected by some breath of pride which lays them open to adverse criticism, they should be corrected once or twice or even three times. (From para. 2 of Ch. 21 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry OSB, 1997.)
"Breath of pride" seems to me a good metaphor for the subtle way ego can infiltrate even my best-intended actions. I take an opportunity to be of service, but it may become an opportunity to control, unless I continue to grow in self-knowledge.
My birth order as the eldest made me an instant authority with the birth of my brother and our four younger siblings. It also provided me with a the lifelong challenge: navigating the bumpy roads to learning how to exercise authority responsibly, humbly, and effectively. Meditation has enhanced and smoothed out my learning curve and continues to do so.