Chapter 53: The reception of guests (paragraphs 1-4)
The greatest care should be taken to give a warm reception to the poor and to pilgrims, because it is in them above all others that Christ is welcomed. (From para. 4 of Ch. 53 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)
Authentic hospitality -- whether to someone in need, to the unexpected visitor, to my own family -- infuses kindness into the world, and creates community. In such a community I can learn about other-centeredness, and thus, move closer to reality.
Fidelity to twice-daily meditation and the mantra prepares me probably better than anything else to receive You in everyone I meet today, Abba. This simple practice tames my “Edging God Out” ego and opens me to “edge” you in to everyone and everything I encounter today.