Chapter 38: The weekly reader
During meals there should be complete silence disturbed by no whispering nor should anyone's voice be heard except the reader's. Everyone in the community should be attentive to the needs of their neighbours as they eat and drink so that there should be no need for anyone to ask for what they require. (From para. 2 of Ch. 38 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)
I ponder Benedict's instruction to be totally open to the words of the reader, while at the same time being aware of the needs of others. Divided attention? I don't think so. Rather, other-centered attention. The spirit of love. It seems to me that this loving detachment can harmonize conditions that otherwise might fragment my awareness.
I ponder Benedict's instruction to be totally open to the words of the reader, while at the same time being aware of the needs of others. Divided attention? I don't think so. Rather, other-centered attention. The spirit of love. It seems to me that this loving detachment can harmonize conditions that otherwise might fragment my awareness.
Preoccupation with “all those things I have to do”, puts emphasis on the “I”, on “poor, sacrificial me”. I become mired in self-pity, simply a symptom of my disease of work addiction or workaholism. Twice-daily meditation provides it’s antidote? It opens a pathway to you, Abba, and to more loving and respectful attentiveness to the needs of others.