Chapter 61: Monastic pilgrims from far away (paragraphs 1-2)
It may happen, of course, that one of them may find something to point out in criticism about the customs of the monastery, using sound arguments in a spirit of charitable deference. In that case the superior should consider the whole question with care and prudence in case it was for this very purpose that the pilgrim was sent by the Lord. (From para. 1 of Ch. 61 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)
Pilgrims come into my life, sometimes bringing conflict, affection, or other dynamics. And I am a pilgrim in theirs.With the practice of meditation, and inn God's own time, our relationships have the potential to harmonize and transform us.
“...consider the whole question with care and prudence in case it was for this very purpose that the pilgrim was sent by the Lord.” This reminds me that the authors of Scripture or of whatever I chance to use for my lectio can be “pilgrims from far away” with a message for me from you, Abba.