Thursday, October 18, 2012

Chapter 14: The celebration of Vigils on feasts of saints

On the feasts of saints and on all other solemnities Vigils should follow the order laid down for the celebration of Sunday except that the psalms, antiphons and readings that are appropriate to the day should be recited; the order of the liturgy itself remains the same as that described for Sunday.
(Ch. 14 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry OSB, 1997.)

The phrase "communion of saints" has come to take on much more meaning in my life through the practice of meditation. Selfless attention points me away from myself, toward communion and community -- and toward belonging.


  1. The saints remind me that faith is not just a set of beliefs but an encounter with the Divine. Their perseverance in seeking that encounter in ordinary life encourages me.
    Their perseverance was rooted in a trust that they had to leave everything to God. My meditation practice is teaching me just that- to trust and to persevere and to believe that “all will be well.”

  2. When I meditate, I am not only in community with those who are meditating now, but with all of those who have come before me and shown me the way.
