Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Chapter 18: The order for reciting the psalms (paragraph 3)

These same psalms are repeated daily until Sunday and the identical arrangement of hymns, lessons and verses is retained everyday.
(From para. 3 of Ch. 18 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry OSB, 1997.)

I believe that what I do every day has the power to change me, especially something as rigorous as the practice of selfless attention. Routine becomes discipline at these depths, and thereby becomes transformative.

1 comment:

  1. In Chapter 18 the first sections refer to Psalm 119, one of the longest of Psalms. Sometimes I will catch the daytime hours when it is said but more often not. The beginning verse is one of comfort, strength and a call to perserverance in my meditation practice as it says, "Happy those who...seek the Lord with all their heart." So I seek having been reassured by Christ Himself that I will find the goal of my seeking.
