Chapter 40: The proper amount of drink to be provided
St Paul says that each of us has a special gift from God, one kind for one of us and quite a different one for another. That reflection makes me reluctant to decide on the measure of food and drink for others. (From para. 1 of Ch. 40 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)
Benedict's discussion of gifts from God, in relation to the proper amount of drink, surprises me. I understand self-control to be a fruit of the Spirit. But whether gift or fruit, perhaps the discernment of how to live my life in a way which makes me most consistently open to the selfless praise of God, is what he's talking about.
It is no accident that alcoholic beverages are called “spirits”. They gladden the heart as does your Spirit, Abba. As a matter of fact, that is my choice today, as Carl Jung pointed out: “spiritum” (alcohol—or a myriad other consumer items that are offered to me every day) or “Spiritus”, your Spirit. Give me the grace to choose the path of the Real today as opposed to the ephemeral, to remember that the only place I can calm my restless heart is in your arms, as your child.
ReplyDeleteWhat a curious beginning to a chapter on the proper amount of drink. Benedict throws in a gold nugget for thought on personal gifts from God. For me this phrase is a morale booster during this season of Lent. First because it makes me reflect on an "ah ha" moment. Yes, you O my God have given me personal gifts and I can thank you in prayer for my life's blessings. "My cup is not half empty but half full.", even if it is a small cup according to St. Theresa of the Child Jesus. Secondly, this phrase reminds me of God's willingness to strengthen me in my weakest moments which He has done time and time again when I soften my heart to His loving voice this day and every day.