Friday, March 21, 2014

Chapter 42: The great silence after Compline

Silence should be sought at all times by monks and nuns and this is especially important for them at night time. (From para. 1 of Ch. 42 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)

"Lead us into that mysterious silence where Your love is revealed to all who call." These words of the opening prayer call me to attention and call me to heart-centeredness. The practice of meditation moves me gradually toward experiencing life from the silent place in my heart.


  1. When depressed, I’m living in the past. When anxious, I’m living in the future. When I’m at peace I’m living in the now. The silence, stillness and simplicity of meditation and the mantra enable me to comprehend the word serenity and to know peace. I come to learn how, in silence, to embrace the sacrament of the present moment, and the power of Being, in Love.

  2. Coming home from a busy city where the silence of the night is elusive, is a great relief. Without realizing it, I am getting used to the "sound of silence." Without it life seems to be not normal. Thank you Lord for the grace of silence ...
