Saturday, May 3, 2014

Prologue to the Rule (paragraph 3)

Let us open our eyes to the light which can change us into the likeness of God. (From para. 3 of the Prologue to Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)

When my heart is open, I gaze upon God, and God gazes upon me.


  1. “Let us open our eyes to the deifying light”, writes Benedict. Your light has “deified” me, made me You, Abba. You made me in your image and likeness. You became man so that I could become God, could become you, Father, as the earliest Christians expressed it. Help me keep my eyes open all day today, to enjoy every moment of it as we live today's adventures together.

  2. Oh dear Lord, lately you sent me spiritual companions through their books who serve as holder of your Light. I thought I already understood the meaning of how is it to be simple. But getting closer to Your Light I realized that You want more than my 'material and physical simplicity.' You are inviting me to simplify my intentions in the way Thomas Merton defined 'simple intention' in his book 'No Man is an Island'
