Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Prologue to the Rule (paragraph 6)

For that very reason also, so that we may mend our evil ways, the days of our mortal lives are allowed us as a sort of truce for improvement. (From para. 6 of the Prologue to Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)

The truces God offers to me are to find myself, through suffering, closer to my source and living in joy.


  1. “ . . . the world was coming to us with its gift of spiritual hunger. Through this hunger, the unstable world of modernity and the traditional stability of the Rule would form a new kind of monastery.” (“Monaster Without Walls: The Spiritual Letters of John Main”. Kindle loc 286). John Main’s enthusiastic vision opens my eyes to see and feel the enthusiasm and joy and hope Benedict must have felt as he wrote this, his “simple rule” 1500 years ago. Thank you, Abba, for the gift of my spiritual hunger and for the gift of Fr. John and Benedict and all those brothers and sisters who share it. Thank you for the gift of this Rule around which you have gathered us as we strive to build this house on the Rock that is you.

  2. A few minutes from now i will be hitting my bed for a night rest. Just for today, I committed a lot of unpleasing acts towards my brethren and my Lord. Though sad and repentant, my human nature was too weak to resist the many temptations of the day. But the ever Loving Lord is there ever ready to forgive the repentant sinner. Oh Lord thank You for this another chance and for many chances that You are giving me to aim for 'that perfection of union with You.'
