Chapter 18: The order for reciting the psalms (paragraph 3)
These same psalms are repeated daily until Sunday and the identical arrangement of hymns, lessons and verses is retained everyday. (From para. 3 of Ch. 18 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)
It seems to me that a spirit of fidelity to practice pervades Benedict's sense of order -- just as it pervades the tradition of the mantra as taught by John Main.
Personality wise, I have the tendency to hate repetitive tasks. But having been attracted to the benedictine spirituality this personal tendency was challenged. Now, I am beginning to understand the importance of repeating simple acts which will bring me closer to knowing who I am. Now, I am learning to flow with the rhythm of repetitive recitation of psalms during terce, sext and none from Tuesdays to Sundays :-)