Chapter 7: The value of humility (paragraphs 10-11)
The fourth step of humility is to go even further than this by readily accepting in patient and silent endurance, without thought of giving up or avoiding the issue, any hard and demanding things that may come our way in the course of that obedience, even if they include harsh impositions which are unjust. (From para. 10 of Ch. 7 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)
At first, this sounds to me like poor mental health information. But what does this teaching really mean to me? I believe it means that in any situation, the locus of control is in God's love in my heart. I can see opportunities to learn patience and detachment, and to stay rooted in reality.
A seed, if it does not die, remains alone, as you remind me, Lord. But if it gets humble, gets down in the humus, and dies, it can grow to become that tiny wild flower or giant Sequoia in your garden. Help me to embrace the daily death today, now, here.