Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Chapter 50: Those whose work takes them away from the monastery

"Those whose work takes them  some distance from the monastery so that they cannot manage to get to the oratory at the right times of prayer must kneel with profound reverence for the Lord and perform the work of God at their place of work. (From para. 1 of Ch. 50 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)

I can understand this passage in terms of good instruction when I must meditate in an unaccustomed place. But I also find it helpful when it's hard for me to meditate at all. First, it resonates with John Main's instruction to say the mantra whether or not I feel like it. Secondly, it sensitizes me to the divine energy that is constantly sustaining me, regardless of any conditions.


  1. “Bloom where you are planted” goes the saying. “Stay awake and watch” says Jesus. “Kneel where you are” says Benedict. Abba, you are present here within me and within whomever I am with at the moment and wherever I am at the moment. Calm my hyperactive mind and help me embrace the sacrament of the present moment, to embrace you, here, now, as a small child does its mother.

  2. "As best they can." With those words, Benedict relieves the guilt and self-blame that can accompany guests who find themselves in less than spacious, and private conditions where the Work of God can be "performed." Often the routine of prayer, time-wise and space- wise needs abbreviation. A prayer life, however, can continue unnoticed by others when mantra repetition continues at a deeper level in the midst of family and friends. In the heart, the light of prayer like the sanctuary light before the tabernacle,does not need to die.
