Chapter 67: Those who are sent on a journey
Those who are sent on a journey should commend themselves to the prayers of all the community as well as of the superior and, at the last prayer of the work of God in the oratory, there should always be a memento of all who may be absent. (From Ch. 67 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)
How much -- really mindless -- coming and going do I do, day in and day out? May my awareness expand to include all the little journeys I make, on behalf of myself or others, in and out the door, up and down the steps, in and out of the car. May all these little journeys become part of the flow of continuous prayer that keeps me living in a mutual gaze with God.
I am always on a journey, but like my one and four-year old grandsons, I easily become distracted by any curious bug or plant or side trail along the way. You, Abba, use my faithful repetition of the mantra. With it, like a gentle parent or grandparent, you guide me back to the main trail, toward my destiny, toward wonderful surprises. As Elizabeth Barrett Browning so beautifully put it, your adventuresome, loving plan for me puts my best dreams and desires to shame.