Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Chapter 2: Gifts needed by an abbot or abbess (paragraph 7)

It is the task of the superiors to adapt with sympathetic understanding to the needs of each so that they may not only avoid any loss but even have the joy of increasing the number of good sheep in the flock committed to them. (From para. 7 of Ch. 2 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry OSB, 1997.)

Adapting with sympathetic understanding, it seems to me, is a fruit of selfless attention. Such attention has the power to transform my consciousness, and thus the consciousness of the world, through my simple, faithful practice.

1 comment:

  1. Abba, you love me as the unique, never-to-be-duplicated creature you have made me. You have never made a clone and never will, Great Artist. Help me to love and respect each and every creature I meet today as another one of your one-part-a-kind masterpieces.
