Prologue to The Rule (paragraph 4)
What gentler encouragement could we have, my dear brothers and sisters, than that word from the Lord calling us to himself in such a way! We can see with what loving concern the Lord points out to us the path of life. (From para. 4 of Prologue to The Rule of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)
I'm struck by Benedict's choice of the words "gentle" and "loving", because, as a teacher of meditation, those are two words I rely on to encourage people to say the mantra without harshness or force. The mantra is a word calling me to the Lord, and it is gentle and loving, the way the Lord points out to me the path of life.
Forgive me, Abba, for too often being my own worst enemy. What arrogance my low self-esteem can manifest! I actually sometimes believe that I know better than you how I should have been made. Meditation teaches me gentleness and patience with all your creatures including the unique child you love in a special way, me, just as I am.