Chapter 31: The qualities required by the cellarer (paragraph 1)
To qualify for this choice a candidate should be wise and mature in behaviour, sober and not an excessive eater, not proud nor apt to give offence nor inclined to cause trouble, not unpunctual, nor wasteful but living in the fear of God and ready to show the community all the love a father or mother would show to their family. (From para. 1 of Ch. 31 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)
Living in the awareness of God, loving selflessly, looking after the community with the care of a parent -- I think such qualities make St. Benedict's descriptions of the cellarer the model of one who gives service. What is the transformation of the ego about, if not to learn to serve?
“He should be neither a miser nor a prodigal nor a squanderer of the monastery’s substance.” Abba, heal my relationship with money. My trust in you and your love will cast out any trace of fear of financial insecurity. You are all I need, Father.