Chapter 46: Faults committed elsewhere
It is, however, important that, if the cause of wrongdoing lies in a sinful secret of conscience, it should be revealed only to the superior or one of those in the community with recognized spiritual experience and understanding, who will know the way to the healing of their own wound and those of others without exposing them in public. (Para. 2 of Ch. 46 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)
To experience that most secret part of myself, and to respect it in others, seems to be a part of the paradox of being in true and divinized relationship.
“ [the early Christians] . . .knew that the constant human challenge is to find harmony, order and peace. They knew that the primary challenge is to find that in ourselves, in our own heart.” (John Main “The Way of Unknowing”, Kindle loc 158). Making the daily mistakes I do, acknowledging my imperfections, while maintaining my inner harmony, order and peace: that’s life with you, Abba, in a nutshell. What fun it is to awaken to finding my four-year-old grandson as a role model. How simply and non self-consciously he can do his art work. What joy! What enthusiasm! How at peace and how in harmony he is with his “mistakes”, his “imperfections”!