Thursday, November 27, 2014

Chapter 47: Signalling the times for the work of God

The superior is personally responsible for making sure the time for the work of God, both at night and during the daytime, is clearly made known to all. (From para. 1 of Chap. 47 of Saint Benedict!s Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)

Do I quietly rationalize reasons to miss my times of meditation, or do I clearly make known to others, as appropriate, my times and even purpose of meditation?

1 comment:

  1. As I understand it, my chief commitment as a part of this monastery without walls is to do your Work, Abba, the Work of God, that is, prayer, consciously spending time with you. For me and my compulsive, hyperactive mind, this requires my making a 180 degree change. Instead of struggling to fit my prayer time, that is, my twice-daily meditation, the Hours and Lectio, into my busy life and schedule, I now am learning to fit my busy life around my time together consciously with you. my prayer time. What a dramatic shift in my life priorities!
