Chapter 48: Daily manual labor (paragraphs 3-5)
As a special provision during these days of Lent each member of the community is to be given a book from the library to read thoroughly each day in a regular and conscientious way. (From para. 4 of Ch. 48 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)
I'm interested in Benedict's Lenten directions to have only one book, and to read it daily in a regular and conscientious way. For me, this would be a form of fasting, accustomed as I am to dipping freely into books and the internet. It would also be a form of lectio that would bring my disciplined and selfless attention to the book. Meditation teaches me that I can bring these qualities, even beyond Lent, to every single aspect of my life.
“Daily manual labor” for me starts with making the bed and putting away my clothes and shoes and cleaning up a few dishes, unless my spouse gets to these tasks before I do. Doing these small tasks takes such little time but, sometimes, how much effort! Some days how I hate these “simple acts of kindness” until I remember John Main’s surprising saying that they are, in fact, a best way to prepare for meditation.