Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Chapter 45: Mistakes in the Oratory

Anyone who makes a mistake in a psalm, responsory, antiphon or reading must have the humility to make immediate reparation there before all the community in the oratory. A failure to do that so clearly shows lack of the humility to put right a fault which was due to carelessness that it must incur a more severe punishment. (From Ch. 45 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)

I think about how my distracted state of mind  -- my lack of attention -- interferes with meditation or other work I do.  But am I alert to how my distracted state of mind makes a difference to those around me?

1 comment:

  1. Like any toddler, Abba, I make mistakes and fall down constantly. And like a healthy, well-loved toddler I get to laugh at myself and happily say: “baby fall down.”
