Friday, October 18, 2019

Chapter 14: The celebration of Vigils on feasts of saints

On the feasts of saints and on all other solemnities Vigils should follow the order laid down for the celebration of Sunday except that the psalms, antiphons and readings that are appropriate to the day should be recited; the order of the liturgy itself remains the same as that described for Sunday. (Ch. 14 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)

Benedict dignifies the feasts of saints as solemnities, but for me any saint's day -- any day -- can remind me what I have experienced through meditation -- that the "communion of saints" is not theoretical, but real, and is right now, within us and among us, a limitless, joyful, cosmic community of being one.

1 comment:

  1. “We all need heroes,” Joan Chittister reminds me today. I need role models for how to live with You, Abba, day to day in this chaotic world. John Main and my meditation fellows lead me to peace in the midst of turmoil all about.
