Saturday, December 27, 2014

Chapter 68: The response to orders that seem impossible

If the superior after listening to this submission still insists on the original command then the junior must accept that it is the right thing and with loving confidence in the help of God obey. (From Ch. 68 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)

Simply stated, I must live each moment with this much trust in God.


  1. "Say your mantra" throughout the whole meditation time. Three words from John Main, that "Trusting in God's help" I must in love obey.

  2. Seasoned Twelve Steppers remind me that there are two days in every week I should not worry about. Usually, when life or one of life’s tasks seems impossible for me it is because I am living in one of those two days. One day is yesterday, that cancelled check. The other day is tomorrow which is only a promise, a promissory note. Today, this present moment, is the only cash I have in hand, Abba. Whatever comes along today, however impossible it looks, there is nothing that you and I cannot handle together.
