Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Chapter 65: The prior or prioress of the monastery (paragraphs 2-3)

We have no doubt, therefore, that it is best in the interests of preserving peace and charity that the authority for the whole administration of the monastery should rest with the abbot or abbess. (From para. 2 of Ch. 65 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)

I have faith that with one overriding purpose -- the practice of selfless attention -- my inner conflicts can become more peaceful, and my relationships can become more charitable.

1 comment:

  1. Like the haughty Prior Benedict warns about here, I am still a recovering “Know-it-all”, Abba. How very much I need to embrace the gifts of meditation and the mantra. With them you bring me miraculously and wondrously beyond all my imaginings and my knowledge to you.
