Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Chapter 30: The correction of young children

There is a proper way of dealing with every age and every degree of understanding, and we should find the right way of dealing with the young. (From Ch. 30 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry OSB, 1997.)

St. Benedict's word touch this me this morning in a way that reminds me of my ego's "fight or flight syndrome": rushing into to control a situation (or the people in the situation) because I think I know best, or holding back (because I recognize behaviors that annoy me and I disdain to engage). But such a naive response means I am more reactive than free. To find the right way of dealing with my degree of understanding, I must be faithful to the detachment of meditation.

1 comment:

  1. 'Every age and degree of understanding
    should have its proper measure of discipline.' Thank u Lord for being very patient with my slow growth in virtues. May I be patient also with my fellow pilgrims in this world.
