Saturday, March 10, 2018

Chapter 32: The tools and property of the monastery

The superior should keep a list with the details of what has been issued to them so that, when one member of the community succeeds another in any responsibility, there may be no doubt about what items have been entrusted to each individual and what they have returned at the end. (From para. 1 of Ch. 32 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)

St. Benedict's instructions on how to treat monastery property blend an understanding of the interdependence of community along with good administration. But over all, as he reminds me in Chapter 31, there's a mystical vision: "All the utensils of the monastery and in fact everything that belongs to the monastery should be cared for as though they were the sacred vessels of the altar." It seems to me that it's the mystical vision that should inform all my efforts at sharing with others, and keeping track of things.

1 comment:

  1. "If anyone treats the monastery's property
    in a slovenly or careless way,
    let her be corrected. " This reminds me of my accountability for all the gifts God entrusted me... the people He let me cross my path, talents, skills and material possessions. For they are not mine all of them are just lent to me... Yes so timely for the celebration of lent.
