Thursday, March 27, 2014

Chapter 47: Signalling the times for the work of God

The superior is personally responsible for making sure the time for the work of God, both at night and during the daytime, is clearly made known to all. (From para. 1 of Chap. 47 of Saint Benedict!s Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)

Do I quietly rationalize reasons to miss my times of meditation, or do I clearly make known to others, as appropriate, my times and even purpose of meditation?


  1. "It is the responsibility of the abbot and prioress to announce, day and night, the hour for the Opus Dei." Today's Mass reading, Jeremiah 7:23, gives me an understanding of Benedicts' Rule. It is not only my work in the sense of my coming to prayer. It is God's time set aside to work in me which I must allow. "Listen to my voice," God says through Jeremiah. "Walk in all the ways that I command you, so that you may prosper." Worldly work is done with a sense of recompense and prosperity. Why not then God's work, especially prayer and meditation times? Where else will I be able to "listen" for the voice of God which calls me to an intimate relationship with Him?

  2. The Work of God, Opus Dei—that’s what Benedict reminds me daily meditation and the Divine Office is all about. My fearful, doubtful and insecure self needs to be reminded that you are my Employer, Abba. You invite me to come and work with you today, beginning with the work that is prayer, to join with you in the joy of creation. For you are The Creator, the Divine Artist, and you invite me to practice art, practice creation with you, above all the art of loving, you and everyone I meet today.
