Thursday, January 16, 2014

Chapter 3: Calling the community together for consultation (paragraph 1)

To get the balance right it should be remembered that, whereas it is right for subordinates to obey their superior, it is just as important for the superior to be far-sighted and fair in administration. (From para. 1 of Ch. 3 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)

Community (or family) life, as opposed to autonomous individualism, calls for a balance in me of selflessness and discernment. These are hard-won conditions and require much grace, and yet I know them as conditions that call forth my true nature. 


  1. “I have not found either here or in England that any serious-minded person was discouraged from joining such a community because of the discipline involved. Indeed, what I have found is that they have been looking for just such a community where a shared free discipline testifies to seriousness of purpose and authenticity of experience. Because although we can deliver the message of the gospel with joy and fullness of personal liberty we cannot offer any short cuts. There are none.” (John Main, “Community of Love”p31) Lord, help me never forget that discernment and balance grow in me only hand in hand with my fidelity to meeting you in the “free discipline” of my twice-daily meditation.

  2. "...just as it is proper for the disciples to obey their master, so also it is his function to dispose all things with prudence and justice." I need the grace to be prudent and wise so that I will not hinder the growth of the people around me... be they family, friends or office mates.
