Saturday, January 25, 2014

Chapter 7: The value of humility (paragraphs 1-3)

He taught us by these words that whenever one of us is raised to a position of prominence there is always an element of pride involved. (From para. 1 of Ch. 7 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)

Pride seems to me to be a stiff and egotistical thing, as opposed to the warm beating of a serving heart.

1 comment:

  1. Three things remind me of the joy of humility: (1) Thomas Aquinas’ definition of humility as “a proper estimate of one’s own excellence”. (2) A one-time mentor’s comment to me to remember that “angels can fly because they take themselves lightly.” (3) Jesus invitation to the little children whom he loved and embraced and defended, remarking that “Of such is the kingdom of heaven”. Beating up on myself and taking life too seriously is not humility, although I used to seem to think so. Humility is nothing more or less than truth, the accurate view of who and what I am with my liabilities and my assets. Daily, the truth of meditation and the mantra help me stay right-sized and joy-full.
