Monday, January 15, 2018

Chapter 2: Gifts needed by an abbot or abbess (paragraphs 8-9)

By encouraging through their faithful ministry better standards for those in their care, they will develop higher ideals in their own lives as well. (From para. 9 of Ch. 2 of St. Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)

I feel that I must be very careful not to read this passage as permission to teach others in my care, or to expect of them, what I don't hold as a standard for myself. And, as St. Paul says, we all have different gifts, so I should also avoid the urge towards comparing myself with others. In the middle way is a path of mutual encouragement that is to be found when the Spirit meets itself in another.

1 comment:

  1. "Above all let her not neglect or undervalue the welfare of the souls committed to her..." Oh Lord, how negligent I am at times of people whom to brought my way. Help to listen more deeply to the message, the why's of your bringing them to me.
