Thursday, March 14, 2013

Chapter 35: Weekly servers in the kitchen and at table (paragraphs 3-4)

This will help them to serve the community at mealtime without stress and without murmuring about their lot.
(From para. 3 of Ch. 35 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry OSB, 1997.)

What can I do in my household to create conditions that encourage serving one another?


  1. Beginning or ending their week of service in the kitchen, a prayer is said asking for God's help and thanking Him for help given. Is there anything more direct or simple than that? Do I need a course in theology or Sacred Scripture to realize that by myself I cannot do the will of God nor do it with love without His grace and gentle love?

  2. Murmuring, the grumbling and mumbling that can be so subtle and corrosive in promoting disharmony in groups, communities and families. I need to watch my tongue and actions so that I am not murmuring.
